Template B
A clear and consise design aimed at small and medium sized business offering products or services; suits a business that requires a large number of images depicting products offered, with thumbnails for quick loading and full size images for impact.
- Business logo tops all pages, full width
- Different large image on each page
- Flash can be added for product awareness
- Introductory paragraph on each page
- Menu cascades down the left
- Pick one of three page styles for each page...
- ...large left box and three small right side boxes
- ...six small boxes, 3 left, 3 right
- ...all have images, title and text
- ...or a gallery style page with just images and title
- Page links for all images and titles
- Email form available
- Clear
- Consise
- High Impact
- Your choice of colours and fonts
- Your choice of page/menu names
- Up to 6, 12, 18 and 50 page options

Example of Template B Home Page
Take a look at websites using this template
- New for Aug 2012...
- New for Jan 2011...
- www.terenceballkitchens.co.uk
- New for Aug 2010...
- www.knwgroup.co.uk
- ...and also...
- www.wellingtontile.co.uk
- www.englishgardenco.co.uk
- www.beerdirectsouthwest.co.uk